Saturday: 5:15 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am & 10:00 am
Monday - Saturday: 7:00 am
Tuesday: 7:00 am Scripture and Communion Service
Saturday: 4:15 pm
First Thursday: 4:00 pm
Other: By Appointment
Thursday: All Day beginning after the 7:00 am Mass and ending with Evening Prayer and Benediction at 5:00 pm
Watch Sunday Mass live at 10:00 am or watch our most recent services on Facebook.
Services will be held at St. Marys @7:00pm for all three parishes
Good Friday- April 18th - 2:00 pm Mass
Easter Vigil- April 19th - 8:30 pm mass
Easter Sunday- April 20th 7:30 am & 10:00 am mass
ECCHS Auditorium
Tickets: $9/adults; $5/students
Directed by: Liz Scacchitti
Music Director: Adam Baranik
St. Marys Parish
Join us to celebrate the sacrament of penance. Several confessors will be available.
Catholic Foundation Awards Grants to Elk County Parishes
Two parishes in Elk County will have the opportunity to further serve those in their community thanks to grants from the Catholic Foundation of Northwest Pennsylvania.
Queen of the World Parish, a first-time grant recipient, plans to create a comfort care room for terminal patients and their families at Penn Highlands Elk hospital. “this project would provide the families not only a more comfortable place to care for their loved ones, but would also serve as an emotional refuge,” Jessica Weinzierl, business manager for Q.W., wrote in the grant application. “Providing support to families in the time of illness and grief aligns with our mission of serve and work of God.”
St. Boniface Parish will use their grant toward the installation of a handicap entrance into the church building. St. Boniface pastor, Fr. Kevin Holland, wrote in his application, “with this grant funding, more elderly will have the confidence they can safely enter and leave St. Boniface. Ou hope is that more of our homebound parishioners will feel comfortable and safe enough to come and worship in their parish.”
These grants from the Catholic Foundation are possible because of donations to the Catholic Social Ministry Endowment. “The community impact of our Catholic Foundation is evidenced in the work of our grantees,” comments Lisa Louis, executive director of the Foundation. “Our collaboration helps us to steward endowed funds to be used as donors intended,, doing the work of the Gospel.”
The Catholic Foundation of Northwest PA is an independent 501© 3 corporation and the only community foundation in northwest PA guided by Catholic values. Visit to learn more.
134 Queens Road, St. Marys, PA 15857 • 814-834-4701
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